Archive for February, 2009

The Spirituality of Redwoods

The oldest of California redwoods are said to be 2000 years old, grow to 379 feet, with a diameter of 22 feet, and 12 inch thick bark. Their close relatives, the giant Sequoias, have been measured at 311 feet high, with a life-span in excess of 3000 years, trunks that have grown 40 feet in […]


A visit to Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay harbor has left me with some stark and troubling images. Here on The Rock, men were known by their number and warehoused like hazardous material. Row after row of cramped, cage-like cells housed men who were told, “You are entitled to food, clothing, shelter and […]

What is a Real Christian?

The Bible seems to give us different ways of answering this question. Some parts of the New Testament indicate that “real Christians” show their faith by the way they live. Other sections of the Bible show that “genuine” children of God can live without faith. So, what’s the answer? In short, here’s an attempt to […]

Elephant Seals and Us

On a recent 40th anniversary trip to the West Coast my wife, Di, and I saw one of the most amazing sights. Just north of San Simeon on the Pacific Coast we caught these pictures of an elephant seal birthing and breeding colony. Couldn’t believe the sights and sounds. All ages of males fighting in […]

Super Faith vs Super Doubt

If you’ve been a follower of Christ for some time, would you say that your spiritual journey has been about what you expected it to be? Or have you been somewhat disillusioned to discover that followers of Christ seem to have about a many physical, emotional, and family issues as the general population? Seems to […]

The Limitations of Formulas

If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that followers of Christ have about as many unexpected health, work, and family problems as everyone else. Even though the Bible is full of wisdom that promotes spiritual, emotional, and physical health, it does not give us formulas for making life predictable. One of my younger brothers […]

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